188 The Secretary read a letter from the Secretary of the League stating that as far as could at present be seen our invitation could not be accepted before September or October. Employer's Liability The Secretary was instructed to insure three casual employees for the ensuring year instead of four as heretofore. The Secretary read a letter of acknowledgment from James H. Galt. The Secretary was instructed to ascertain from the Liverpool Club if they would join us in a deputation to the Clerk to the Guardians with a view to the reduction of the assessments on the Everton and Liverpool grounds. The Chairman and Secretary were appointed to represent the Club at the Annual Meeting of the League to be held in London on the 19th inst. The recommendations of the Management Committee as to the continuance of football next season together with the proposed special rules were considered and it was resolved that the Club support the continuance of football on Amateur lines and that a meeting of the Directors be convened for Wednesday the 21st inst. at Goodison Park to consider the decision of the Annual Meeting of the members and the Secretary was instructed to invite such of our players as are at present in Liverpool to meet the Directors after the meeting. s League Insurance The Secretary reported that a levy of 15/- per player