186 The Secretary was instructed to insure the League and Birkenhead Borough Hospital Cups with the Scottish Union & National Insurance Co. in accordance with their letter of the 14th inst. at a premium of s d 7/6 per annum. The Secretary submitted Lewis's tender to supply 12 squares of ¼" rough plate 96x27 at a cost of £10 and he was instructed to obtain other estimates. Overdraft at The Secretary reported that the time limit of our Bank overdraft of £10,000 was on the point of expiring and he was instructed to renew the application for a similar amount. Gwlady's The Secretary was instructed to apply for and act as Street representative of the Club in membership of the Property Owners Association. League It was resolved that the Secretary obtain medals for the Championship Directors and himself in connection with the winning Souvenirs of the League Championship, the design thereof to be that obtained when the English Cup was won, at a cost of not exceeding £5. The Secretary was instructed to invite the League Management Committee to hold their next Meeting at Liverpool and to accept the hospitality of the Directorate on that occasion. That arrangements be made for Dinner to be served at the Exchange Station Hotel and that an invitation be extended to the Representative of Liverpool F.C. and the President and Secretary of the Liverpool County Association. July 9th 1915 W. R. Clayton