15 2. That a depreciation of 10% be written off Stands Hoardings and erections amounting to £1328:6:4 and 50% off fixtures fittings furniture &c. amounting to £337:14:8. 3. That the amount expended on clothing material and stores £211:2:0 be written off against income and expenditure account. 4. That the statement of accounts, balance sheet and profit and loss account be approved. Date and place June 8th at the Central Hall, Renshaw Street, of Annual Meeting Liverpool, provisionally. It was resolved that no proxies be issued by the Club and that no separate order of admission to the meeting be issued. It was resolved that the Auditors to the Company (a) attend at the offices of the Company at 8 p.m. on the (4th) 5th day of June to receive proxies and afterwards decide on the validity thereof. (b) provide Ballot boxes for the voting papers. (c) take control of admission to the Annual Meeting and the distribution and counting of voting papers and that they be authorised to obtain the necessary assistance. (d) dispatch the notices of the meeting and copy of accounts to the Shareholders. Tom Page The Secretary reported that Tom Page had been transferred to St. Mirren at a fee of £50 and an extension of time for payment by them of such transfer fee was granted to them to the end of October.