179 of the competing Clubs in this round shall take two parts. J. Brown The Secretary reported that he had received the indemnity duly signed. Championship That the League Management Committee had Medals granted permission to provide a Medal for Palmer in addition to those requested for Grenyer and Kirsopp intimating that unless the application was amended to cover the granting of a Medal to Palmer no extra medals would be allowed. The Secretary's action was approved. That he had received from the F.A. cheques for £20.19.5 being the 5% conceded by the F.A. and £119.10.2 the share due to us in respect of the Semi Final receipts at Birmingham and that he had received a request from the League requesting the payment to them of such sum of £20.19.5 in accordance with the decision of the League and the F.A. sanction to such decision of November last and it was resolved that cheque for £20.19.5 be sent to the League. Divisional It was resolved that Dr. Baxter be nominated as a Representative candidate for Division 3. It was resolved that in the event of the Boys & Girls mission (Chalmers Hall) applying for the use of the practice ground the same be granted, and the Secretary raised the question of granting the use of the playing pitch for the purpose of Sunday School treats owing to the withdrawal by the Corporation of