176 Date and place June 7th at the Central Hall, Renshaw Street, of Annual Meeting Liverpool at 8 p.m. It was resolved that no proxies be issued by the Club and that no separate order of admission to the meeting be issued. It was resolved that the Auditors to the Company (a) attend at the offices of the Company at 8 p.m. on the 4th day of June to receive proxies and afterwards decide on the validity thereof. (b) provide Ballot boxes for the voting papers. (c) take control of admission to the Annual Meeting and the distribution and counting of voting papers and that they be authorised to obtain the necessary assistance. (d) dispatch the Notices of the meeting and copy of accounts to the Shareholders. The next Meeting of the Directors was fixed for June 7th at 6 p.m. at the Hotel St. George, Lime Street, Liverpool. The Secretary presented vouchers for payments made since the last Finance Meeting amounting to £80.17.0 and the same were checked and passed. The following accounts were passed for payments:- Ashcroft's £3. 3. 0 Marsden 7.10 Houston having written to know if he was on our transfer list and if so the amount of transfer placed on him. The Secretary was instructed to reply that no transfer lists had as yet been made up.