[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, May
7th 1915.]
Present All the Directors except Mr. Green and Mr. Kelly.
The Chairman explained the reason for the meeting being
called so hurriedly was that arrangements could be
made for our representation at the funeral of Mr. Tom
Watson the late Secretary of Liverpool F.C. and it was
resolved that a vote of condolence be sent on behalf of the
Club, that a suitable wreath be purchased and that
the Chairman and Secretary and as many of the other
Directors of the Club attend the funeral on Monday next.
Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Rule 44 The Secretary reported that the F.A. had sent out notices
of our proposed addition to Rule 44.
War Fund The Secretary tendered the thanks of the North Walton
Relief Committee for their handsome grant to the North
Walton Relief Funds.
Gwladys The Secretary reported that he had not written to the
Street Corporation as Mr. Kelly had informed him that that body
had discontinued the supply of loose bins. The Secretary
s d
reported that corrugated fluted bins would cost 10/6 each and
it was resolved that he get estimates of the cost of having
portable bins inserted in a framework in the walls and
submit same to the Board.
Championship Mr. Kirkwood gave notice that at the next meeting he
Medals would propose that application be made to give a
medal to Palmer.