168 The consideration of Simpson was deferred. Howarth at 15/- per week. H. H. Johnson at 7/6 per week. It was resolved that the following players be informed that a re-engagement could not be offered to them:- Mitchell, Bromilow, McFayden, Page, Stewart, Challinor, Roy, Houston, Lance, Johnson, Palmer. Staff The Directors considered the continuance of the engagement of the permanent staff and it was resolved that under the prevailing circumstances they could not continue the engagement of John Fare which would terminate on the 30th inst. That the engagement of Elliott and Cooke at their present wages be continued but that they be added to the ground staff and be under the supervision and orders of Weston and that their hours of attendance at the ground be the same as those of the ordinary ground staff. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Green and in response to his request it was resolved that a parcel of 70 Packets of Cigarettes be sent to him for distribution amongst his colleagues. John Fare's recommendation of Honeyman the outside right of Ashfield was supplemented by a letter the Secretary had received and he the Secretary was instructed to go to Scotland and see this player play in the Semi Final of the Scottish Junior Cup on Saturday first and report. The Secretary reported that the gross receipts of our