167 for the success of the team during the season. That a memento be given to each member of the Directorate and to the Secretary at a total cost of not exceeding £50 and that it be subsequently decided as to the form such memento should take. Bromilow £1: 5: 0 Makepeace £4: 3: 4 Brown £2:10: 0 McFadyen £3: 6: 8 Challinor £2:10: 0 Mitchell £2:10: 0 Chedgzoy £3: 6: 8 Nuttall £3: 6: 8 Clennell £3: 6: 8 Page (3 days) £1: 0: 0 Fern £3: 6: 8 Palmer £3: 6: 8 Fleetwood £3:15: 0 Parker £3: 6: 8 Galt (1 week) £4: 0: 0 Roy £2:10: 0 Grenyer £3:15: 0 Simpson £2:10: 0 Harrison £3: 6: 8 Stewart (1 week)£2:15: 0 Houston £3: 6: 8 Thompson £3: 6: 8 Howarth (1 week) 15: 0 Weller £3: 6: 8 Jefferis £3:15: 0 Wareing £3: 6: 8 Johnson 6: 3 Wright £2:10: 0 Johnston £2:10: 0 Roberts £2:10: 0 Maconnachie £4: 3: 4 Players for It was resolved that the Secretary inform the following Re-engagement players that in the event of football being resumed re-engagements would be offered to them at the following terms:- Maconnachie and Makepeace £5 per week. Fleetwood, Grenyer, Jefferis £4: 10/- per week. Fern, Thompson, Weller, Galt, Wareing, Chedgzoy, Clennell, Harrison and Parker £4 per week. Brown, Nuttall, Kirsopp, Roberts £3 per week. Wright at £3 per week, but that if he wished to follow his employment then at £2 per week.