166 Forward £132: 2: 1 £84 Chedgzoy 30 19:14: 5 15 Jefferis 18 11:16:11 — Kirsopp 16 10:10: 7 15 Parker 35 22:19: 9 15 Clennell 36 23:13: 2 15 Harrison 26 17: 1:11 12 Palmer 17 11: 3: 8 3 Nuttall 5 3: 6: 2 — Simpson 9 5:18: 8 3 Brown 4 2:13: 1 — Wareing 8 5: 5: 7 3 Houston 1 13: 8 — Wright 2 1: 6:10 — Roberts 1 13: 8 — Mitchell 2 1: 6:10 — Weller 6 3:19: 4 — Howarth 1 13: 8 ---------------------- £275: 0: 0 £165 ---------------------- Salaries to The Secretary reported that such of our players who Players from had been in our employ for a full year had received Apl. 26th to 30th their 52nd weekly payment during the week ending April 24th. That the first of such payments made during this season, namely that for the week ending May 2nd related to 2 days only of the present season, with the result that they would be entitled to salaries for the remaining 5 days at the end of the season. That the League President had informed him that under the circumstances permission was granted us to make the players a payment in respect of these 5 days and it was accordingly resolved that such wages as set out below be paid. It was resolved that Elliott be paid £10 as a bonus