13 Practice ground After viewing the price of land used as a practice ground the Directors decided to consider the question of having same surveyed at the next meeting. Nominations The Secretary reported that Mr. Herbert Halsall and for Directorate Mr. G. F. T. Nicholls had expressed their intention of seeking election to the Directorate at the forthcoming Annual Meeting. Chris Buckley Dr. Baxter reported that this player had applied for and obtained a reduction of his transfer fee from £2000 to £1250 and recommended his engagement. It was resolved that the Secretary go to Redditch tomorrow and endeavour to secure his engagement. Challinor The engagement of Challinor for next season at a salary of £3 per week he to give up his work and reside in Liverpool was confirmed. Proxies 1912-13 The Secretary was instructed to collect the amount expended in proxies last season, namely, £4.7.9 from the 9 Directors then concerned therein. The reengagements of Bradshaw and Beare were considered and the previous resolution to place them on the transfer list was confirmed. Representatives to Lancashire F.A. The Chairman and Secretary Annual Meetings League & F.A. The Chairman, Mr. Wright & Secretary. The Secretary was instructed to ascertain if Glasgow Rangers would part with Paterson and Bowie or either of them.