164 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, April 29th 1915.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Jefferis The Secretary reported that Jefferis was making splendid progress towards recovery. Proposed The Secretary reported that he had sent a copy of Addition to the resolution to Liverpool F.C. and that their Directors Rule 44 had decided to second our proposal and that Mr. Watson was writing Mr. Wall to that effect and that he the Secretary had notified the F.A. of Liverpool's intention to second such addition. The Secretary reported that Grenyer had interviewed him requesting permission to resume his apprenticeship at Newcastle as a Boilermaker and it was resolved that whilst the Directors had no desire to hinder him in any way from following his employment they would expect that he would duly fulfill his obligations to them so soon as football should be resumed. The Secretary reported that the balance of the War Fund collections amounted to £43:16:10 and it was resolved that this amount be equally divided between the Lord Mayor of Liverpool's War Fund and the North Walton War Fund and cheques for £21:18:5 were ordered to be sent to each Committee. The Secretary on behalf of the North Walton Relief Committee acknowledged the kindness of the Board.