163 Director on the gate - Mr. Kelly. To Rochdale John Fare. Final Tie The Secretary was instructed to extend invitations to the League team v Chelsea and Wareing, Makepeace and Maconnachie to visit the Final Tie at Manchester tomorrow. The Secretary reported that Edwin Storey had received sick benefit amounting to £1:1:8 and he was instructed to require same to be paid over to the funds of the Club. The Secretary was instructed to place upon the Agenda for next meeting the engagement of permanent staff during the summer. Advertising The Secretary read a letter from Messrs David Contract Allen & Sons stating that as several portions of the hoarding round the ground had not been used since August last they requested an abatement and it was resolved that under the special circumstances an abatement of 20% be granted to them. The Secretary reported that the Special Meeting of the Liverpool County F.A. had been fixed for Friday next at 8 p.m. The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday at 7 o'clock. April 28th 1915 W. R. Clayton