After full discussion it was unanimously resolved:— That this Special General Meeting of the Clubs of the Football League heartily approves the declarations of the Management Committee with reference to the importance of all professional football players who can do so joining the Colours. They fully recognise the serious call of national and patriotic duty, and pledge themselves to continue to do everything in their power to support the Management Committee and other football authorities in encouraging recruiting in all phases of national service. A letter was read from the British Red Cross Society, in which it was set out that as so many footballers have gone to the front, the League has really a direct personal interest in the care of the wounded, and for this amongst other reasons they earnestly pressed their needs upon our kind consideration. It was decided that all clubs should do what they could to assist, and the Management Committee was empowered to contribute a sum out of the Relief Fund, after the close of the season, providing it had a balance in hand. The Management Committee recommended the payment of third- class railway fares, plus the usual hotel expenses, to one representa- tive from each club attending the Special General Meeting from the Relief Fund account, which was approved. A hearty vote of thanks to the President concluded the business of the meeting. T. CHARNLEY, Castle Chambers, Secretary. Market Place, Preston.