
		intimated that he had signed for Shelbourne.
		The Secretary also reported that he had written to the
		President of the League on the matter and that owing
		to some misunderstanding between the English League
		and the Irish League the arrangement alleged between
		the two Leagues had not been ratified.

Gwladys		The Secretary submitted the following documents
Street		which had that evening been received by him, namely:-
		Nos. 2/12 Gwladys Street. Letter from Mr. Louis
		Nicholas agreeing to sell this property to us upon the
		following terms - purchase price £1700, the
		purchaser to pay all costs of deducing title &c. and
		indemnify the Vendor against any claim for increment
		Nos. 14/36 Gwladys Street - Draft Contract for sale
		at £2640.
		Nos. 38/48 Gwladys Street - Draft Contract for sale
		at £1350.
		It was unanimously resolved that the Secretary be
		instructed to act for the Club in these three several
		purchases in his capacity as Solicitor.
		It was intimated that the draft Contract for sale of
		Nos. 2/12 would be sent in due course.
		Mr. Cuff pointed out that the Contract for the sale
		of Nos. 14/36 contained restrictive covenants as to the
		class of buildings to be erected on the piece of land
		and in the Contract for the sale of Nos. 38/48 a
		restriction against interfering with right of light or
		air or user of the land so as to interfere with the free
		user of the adjoining properly of the Vendor.

Galt		The engagement of J. H. Galt at £4 per week with a
		transfer fee of £1250 to Glasgow Rangers was confirmed.