RULE 6. The proposals by the Management Committee to add after Clause (2), "Lists to be made up to April 30th," and at the end of Clause (a) add: "In considering the question of what is a reasonable wage, the wage offered shall not necessarily cover any period beyond that from the 1st September to the 30th April, inclusive," were approved. RULE 7. The proposal by the Management Committee to strike out first two sentences and substitute the following :—"The maximum wage, except as hereinafter provided, shall be £156 per year. After two years continuous service a player may be paid £182 per year, and so on by rises of £26 per year every two years he may be paid up to but not exceeding £260 per year, but such increases must be by stages of £26 each two years and can only be given if the service remains continuous. A player transferred by one club to another can be paid wages at the same rate per week that he is receiving at the time of the transfer. "Wages can not exceed the amount as set forth in Rule 31. A player transferred who is receiving less than £260 per year can have his wage increased in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Rule." RULE 10. The proposal by the Management Committee to add after the scale of percentages : "All percentages to players under this Rule must be paid within seven days of the same being sanctioned by the Management Committee," was carried. RULE 11. The proposal by the Management Committee to add after "players" in line 1, "may be for any period not less than four weeks, but"; line 3, substitute "clauses" for "a clause"; after "effect," line 4, add: "This agreement shall be subject to termination by the club on any reasonable ground on four weeks' notice in writing being given to the player, but such notice shall state the grounds upon which the agreement is so terminated," was carried. RULE 16. The proposals by the Management Committee to add to end of Rule : "(c) If the home club is not engaged in the F. A. Cup Com- petition but the visiting club is, the visiting club shall be liable to pay compensation. (d) If the home club is engaged in the F. A. Cup Tie but the visiting club is not, no compensation shall be payable," were approved. RULE 25. The proposal by the Management Committee to add after "ladies" in line 3 : "soldiers and sailors in uniform," was carried. RULE 27. The Management Committee also proposed to substitute "two" for "three," in line 9, and after the word "Linesmen" add : "resident within the area of their own section." In paragraph dealing with illegal payments, strike out "paying," line 1, and substitute : "or official or other person acting on behalf or in the presumed interests of a club paying or offering to pay."