THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE LIMITED. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. Minutes of the Special General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Football League, Limited, held at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, on Monday, the 29th March, 1915, at 10-30 a.m. Present : J. McKenna, President (presiding); J. Lewis and H. Keys, Vice-Presidents; J. C. Baxter, J. Cameron, A. J. Dickinson, W. Hall, T. E. Harris, C. E. Sutcliffe, and J. J. Bentley (Life Member). In addition, the whole of the clubs were represented. The President explained the objects of the meeting, which chiefly referred to players' engagements and their wages. The three Leagues were unanimously of opinion that no summer wages could or should be paid, between May 1st, and the time the players came up for training, which it was proposed should not be earlier than August 2nd, and it was stated that some clubs would be unable to pay wages before the season actually commenced. The present rate of wages could not be maintained, and the maximum must therefore be reduced. After a full discussion of the rules affecting players, the presence of the newspaper representatives was invited. At the request of the President, Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe, in the name of the Management Committee, formally moved the adoption of the alterations to rules, and in doing so said that the Management Com- mittee had made every provision for players joining his Majesty's Forces. The spirit of patriotism to the country must be placed first and the game take second place. At the same time they were bound to make alterations for carrying on the game this and next season. No steps would be taken which would hold a player to the club which was bound to reduce wages by the elimination of payments. RULE 1. The proposal of the Management Committee to add after "Annual Subscriptions," in line 17, "must be paid on or before the 7th day of May," was carried. The proposal by Blackpool to delete "40" and substitute "44" in line 3, and delete "20" and substitute "22," in lines 3 and 4, was withdrawn. RULE 3. The proposal by the Management Committee to add after "year" in line 5 : "All clubs must return the form issued to them by the League in accordance with this Rule," was carried.