158 Mr. Kirkwood reported that Mr. J. P. Callaghan had informed him that the morning of April 24th would not be a suitable date for them and asking for another date and it was resolved that his request be acceded to as far as possible. Players Wages The Secretary reported that he had written to and from Apl. 24 been in communication with Mr. McKenna hereon to end of season and that Mr. McKenna had promised to bring the matter before the Management Committee of the League for a ruling. The Secretary was instructed to prepare a resolution for submission and discussion at the Annual Meeting of the F. A. on the following lines:- That where a player is dismissed from the field for alleged misconduct it shall be eligible for the Club whose player is so dismissed to apply for an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding such dismissal and to submit evidence thereon and that such application for an inquiry if and when made shall be granted and a commission appointed by the F. A. April 23rd 1915 W. R. Clayton