2 PRESENT RULE. PROPOSED ALTERATIONS. play in Competitions in the close season whilst in camp, and registered players may take part therein. The Competitions shall be strictly confined to the units concerned, and gate money must not be taken. Insert new Rule 26 (a) :— "The Council shall have power to suspend the game either sectionally or entirely, or extend the periods for playing as from time to time in their discretion shall be deemed necessary or desirable, and Agreements between Clubs, Players, and Officials shall be subject to such decisions." 30.—Clubs may enter into Agreements with and For the first sentence substitute the following :— register professional Players for one or more seasons. "Clubs may enter into Agreements with and register A professional Player may during the month of April professional Players for a season, or for the remainder again be registered for his own Club, but shall not of the current season, or for the remainder of the enter into any negotiation or engagement with another current season and the following season." Club of this Association, or any other National Association whose playing season ends on the 30th April, until his existing engagement has terminated; and during the period of an existing engagement he shall not be approached by any other Club, or an official of any other Club, or any other person, with the view to induce him to leave the Club for which he is registered when his engagement has terminated. No payment shall be made to Commission Agents or other persons than Clubs and Players concerned in transfers and engagements of Players. Clubs shall Delete the last sentence and substitute the be entitled to retain Players to whom they are prepared following :— to pay Four Pounds per week, or £208 per annum, and "Clubs shall be entitled to retain Players whom to whom they have given notice to that effect during they are prepared to pay at the rate of Three pounds the month of April, unless the Players satisfy the per week during the period of engagement, and to whom Council that there are special grounds for allowing they have given notice to that effect during the month them to change their Club. of April, unless the Players satisfy the Council that there are special grounds for allowing them to change their Club." 31.—The Council shall have power to cancel the Insert at commencement of Rule :—"Subject to registration of a professional at any time upon appli- Rule 35." cation of the player, or of his Club, or may transfer him from one Club to another. A professional trans- ferred must be re-registered by the Club to which he is transferred. The Council shall also have power to re-instate as an amateur any professional. A player who has been registered as a professional for five or more years (not necessarily consecutive), or a player who after the 1st May, 1913, has received wages of £2 or more per week, shall not be eligible for re-instate- ment. All applications for re-instatement must be made on the Form to be supplied by the Secretary of this Association marked K in the Schedule annexed to these Rules, and except in the case of a professional joining the Army or Navy, must be sent to the Secretary between the 1st and 31st of May in each year, and the Council will decide upon the same. A professional joining the Army or Navy may be re- instated immediately on application, but shall not be again registered as a professional until the expiration of two years from the date of his re-instatement; neither, during that period, shall he play as an amateur for any Club except an Army or Navy Club. 33.—Clubs must have written Agreements with their professional Players stating all the terms of the engagements, and such Agreements must be completed