153 were reported. The Trainer made his report. That Chedgzoy, Makepeace, Maconnachie, Houston, Thompson, Roy and Page were unfit. Team v Fern West Bromwich Simpson Weller Albion Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Palmer Kirsopp Parker Clennell Harrison. Team v Mitchell Rochdale Stewart McFadyen Brown Challinor Johnson Derbyshire Nuttall Wright Howarth Roberts. Directors to West Bromwich - Messrs. Clayton & Halsall. Director on the gate - Mr. Kelly. Transfer of Thomas Grieve to John F. Bower Shares One partly paid share No. 780 One fully paid share No. 2381 Passed. John Fare reported that Rutherford the outside left of Kilbirnie Ladeside, Waters inside left of Petershill and Watkin centre forward of Stoke were well spoken of and he was instructed to see the last named play tomorrow and report. Use of Ground Applications for the use of our ground were received and the following were granted:— April 24th Liverpool County F. A. for their