THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE FORM OF NOTICE TO TERMINATE AGREEMENT. I the undersigned as Secretary for and on behalf of the Club do hereby give you days' notice of the intention of the said Club to terminate the agreement of service dated the day of 191 entered into between you and the Club on the following ground (or grounds). And further take notice that you have a right of appeal to the Management Committee of the Football League but such appeal must be made within seven days of the receipt of this Notice. Such appeal will be heard within ten days of the receipt of the notice of appeal from you. If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the Management Committee you have a further right to appeal to the Appeals Committee of the League appointed for that purpose by the Football Association but such further appeal must be made by you within seven days of the receipt of the intimation of the decision of the Management Committee and must be accompanied by a deposit of £5. The Appeals Committee will hear such appeal within ten days of the receipt of the notice of appeal. All notices of appeal must be in writing and addressed to Mr. T. Charnley, Castle Chambers, Market Place, Preston.