152 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel April 9th, 1915.] Present All the Directors except Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. Reports Dr. Baxter reported his interview with Dr. Jones re Jefferis and it was resolved that provided Dr.Jones' charge for the operation, inclusive of his previous attendances on Jefferis, did not exceed twenty guineas, that he be instructed to perform such operation, otherwise Dr. Broad to operate. The Secretary reported that with Dr. Baxter's approval he had placed Houston under Dr. Broad - his action was confirmed. That Arsenal F. C. had forwarded a six months bill for £450. That Oldham Athletic had paid us the sum of£125 compensation and that we had paid them £16: 2: 6 compensation for postponed Central League game. That he had received the compensation of £190 from Bolton Wanderers F. C. Pooling That Liverpool F. C. having accepted the figures, it was arrangement resolved that cheque for £33: 14: 5 be sent to them in settlement. The League match at Sunderland and the Central League games at Crewe and Stockport respectively