151 On Liverpool's acceptance of these figures cheque for £33:14:5 was ordered to be sent to them. The Secretary reported that Oldham Athletic had promised to send us cheque for £125 in settlement of our claim for compensation less £16:2:6 due from us to them as above mentioned. That he had agreed to accept from Bolton Wanderers F. C. £190 in settlement of our claim for £193:10s/- compensation - confirmed. The Secretary submitted the two accounts from Cleveleys Hydro amounting to £78:8:8 and cheque for this amount was ordered to be sent to them. The Secretary read a letter from the Liverpool Hospital Cup Competition proposing a competition and inviting the Everton and Liverpool Reserve teams to enter, but in view of the unsettled state of football owing to the present prevailing conditions it was decided we could not entertain same. April 9th 1915 W. R. Clayton