RULE 16.—In the event of any match not being played owing to fog or other causes over which neither Club has any control, or being ordered to be replayed, it shall be played on a date to be mutually arranged, and both Clubs shall notify the League Secretary of such arrangement, which shall be subject to the approval of the Management Committee. Such postponed match must be fixed up within 10 days and played within 19 days, unless some other date be agreed upon and approved by the Management Committee. All postponed or re- played matches shall be completed on the following terms, viz.:— If gate money was not taken on the date originally fixed for the match, or if gate money was taken and the match was not commenced and the gate money was returned to the spectators or pass-out checks given for a subsequent match, the visiting Club shall play the second match without any charge to the home Club, but if gate money was taken at the first match, then the gate taken at such second match shall be divided on Cup-tie terms, except the ticket-holders and members shall be admitted on producing their cards, and shall not be a charge on the home Club. With reference to the payment of compensation in case of matches postponed through the Cup Ties, the following provisions shall apply:— (a) If the home Club is not in the F. A. Cup Competition but the visiting Club is, or if both Clubs are in the Cup Ties, the visiting Club shall be liable for compensation. (b) If the home Club is in the Cup Ties but the visiting Club thrown out, no compensation shall be payable. Proposals by the Management Committee:— RULE 16. —Add to end of Rule:— (c) If the home Club is not engaged in the F. A. Cup Competition but the visiting Club is, the visiting Club shall be liable to pay compens- ation. (d) If the home Club is engaged in the F. A. Cup Tie but the visiting Club is not, no compensation shall be payable. RULE 25.— Each Club shall take its own gate receipts. The minimum charge for admission to any League Proposal by the Management Committee:— match shall be 6d. (Ladies and boys under fourteen Rule 25.-Line 3, after "ladies," add: "soldiers excepted.) Each Club shall register its ground and sailors in uniform." with the Secretary, and no Club shall remove to another ground without first obtaining the consent of the Management Committee. RULE 27.—There shall be 25 Referees on the League List. Such Referees to be selected by the Manage- ment Committee. A Supplementary List of 10 Referees shall be elected by the Management Committee. All vacancies in the Referees List during the season shall be filled from the Supplementary List, and in the Supplementary List from the Linesmen's List, as they arise. Each Proposals by the Management Committee:— 2 Club shall nominate three Linesmen, who shall not be more than 40 years of age, unless engaged RULE 27.—Line 9, substitute "two" for "three," regularly in refereeing. Linesmen may act as and after the word "Linesmen" add: "resident Supplementary Referees, and may be consulted within the area of their own section." by the Referee during the game. No Secretary, Director, Member of Committee, or other official to act as Referee or Linesman in any match. All Linesmen must be registered Referees. The Referee and Linesmen for each match to be appointed monthly by the Management Committee. The consent of the Referee must be obtained before the kick-off can be altered from the advertised time. Referees must report late starts, and late arrivals of Linesmen or themselves; he shall also send a copy of report, which he may have to make to the Football Association, to the Secretary of the League in cases of misconduct of players, officials of Clubs, or spectators, &c. In cases where players are ordered off the field by the Referee, the Linesmen, as well as the Referee, must send in a report to the League at time earliest opportunity. The fees for Referees shall be:— Up to 80 miles ............ £1 1s. 0d. Over " ............ £1 11s 6d. And third-class railway fare. 4