Proposal by the Management Committee:— RULE RULE 7.—Strike out first two sentences and 7.— Except as hereinafter provided a Club shall substitute the following :—"The maximum wage, not be allowed to pay a player more than £208 per except as hereinafter provided, shall be £156 per year. After two years' continuous service at £208 year. After two years' continuous service a per year, a player may be paid not exceeding £234 player may be paid £182 per year, and so on by per year, and after a further period of two years' rises of £26 per year every two years he may be continuous service he may be paid not exceeding paid up to but not exceeding £260 per year, but £260 per year. The talent money provided for in such increases must be by stages of £26 each two Rule 8 may be paid in addition to the wages as set years and can only be given if the service remains out above. Outside presentations to players must continuous. A player transferred by one Club to be submitted to the Management Committee for another can be paid wages at the same rate per sanction, and may be approved, subject to such week that he is receiving at the time of the transfer. special conditions as the Management Committee may impose. Wages can not exceed the amount as set forth in Rule 31. A player transferred who is receiving less The first part of the rule will be operative so far than £260 per year can have his wage increased as the increase to £260 is concerned after June in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this 13th, 1914. Rule." carried RULE 10.—If a player is transferred the player may participate in the amount of any increase in transfer fee in lieu of presumed accrued share of benefit to be sanctioned by the Management Committee not exceeding the following percentages of such increase in fee :— After service for 1 playing season 5% " " " 2 " seasons 15% " " " 3 " " 25% " " " 4 " " 35% " " " 5 " " 50% Proposal by the Management Committee:- RULE 10.—After the scale of percentages add : Where in the opinion of the Club willing to " All percentages to players under this Rule must transfer a player the percentage of increase in be paid within seven days of same being transfer fee is not considered sufficient recognition sanctioned by the Management Committee." and reward for the player's service, such Club may, with the consent of the Management Committee, pay to such player in lieu of presumed accrued share of benefit a sum not exceeding the following carried percentages of the amount which the Club would have guaranteed the player had he continued his service and received a benefit :— After 1 playing season's service .......... 10% " 2 playing seasons' continuous service 25% " 3 " " " " 40% " 4 " " " " 55% " 5 " " " " 70% " 6 " " " " 85% " 7 " " " " 100% If an agreement has been entered into between a Club and a player for a benefit at a shorter period than seven years, the Club may, with the consent of the Management Committee, pay the share of the benefit actually accrued under such arrange- ment. Where the period of service after one full playing season amounts to a fractional part of another playing season, such fractional part (not less than two months) may be taken into considera- tion at the rate applicable thereto. After a player has received a benefit the years of service shall be calculated from such benefit. RULE Proposal by the Management Committee :— 11.—All agreements between Clubs and players RULE 11.—Line 1, after "players," add : "may must be confined to a period of less than two be for any period not less than four weeks, but" playing seasons, and contain a clauses to the Line 3, substitute " clauses" for "a clause." following effect. They shall also observe and After "effect," line 4, add : "This agreement be subject to all the Rules, Regulations, and shall be subject to termination by the Club on any Bye-laws of the Football League, the Football reasonable ground on four weeks' notice in writing Association, the International Football League being given to the player, but such notice shall Board, the English Football League Board, state the grounds upon which the agreement is so and any other Association, League, or Combination terminated." of which the Club or the Football League shall be a member, and also a clause allowing the Clubs, on giving 14 days' notice to the player, to terminate such agreement (without prejudice to the Club's right to transfer fees) where a player proves palpably inefficient or is guilty of serious misconduct or breach of dis- ciplinary rules. Players shall have a right to appeal to the Management Committee of the League without paying a deposit, and a right of further appeal to an Appeals Committee appointed by the Football Association in accordance with the Rules of the F. A. on making a deposit of £5. 3