PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE, LTD. RULES AND PROPOSITIONS. RULE 1.—This combination of Clubs shall be called "THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE LTD.," and shall consist of 40 Clubs, divided into two divisions,20 Clubs to Proposal by Blackpool:— form the First Division, and 20 Clubs the Second Division. The Clubs in the First Division shall Rule 1.--Line 3. Delete "40" and substitute withdrawn pay an annual subscription of £10 10s. In the "44." Second Division the annual subscription shall be Lines 3 and 4. Delete "20" and substitute £5 5s. Clubs entering the League, and not being "22." members of the League during the past season, shall pay an entrance fee of £300, of which sum Proposal by the Management Committee:- the Management Committee shall have power to grant to a Club losing its membership with the Line 17. After "Annual subscriptions," add: Carried League an amount not exceeding two-thirds of "must be paid on or before the 7th day of May." such entrance fee, and re-elected Clubs must pay an entrance fee of £5 5s. Clubs passing from the Second Division to the First Division shall pay a fee of £26 5s. Annual subscriptions and entry fees must be paid at or prior to the Annual Meeting. Clubs, members of the League, must provide suitable dressing accommodation. RULE 3.—All nominations for President, Vice-President, and Committee must be in writing, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Clubs, and forwarded to the Secretary of the League on or before the 9th Proposal by the Management Committee:- day of May in each year. A list of such nominations shall be forwarded to the Clubs three days at least RULE 3.—Line 5. After "year," add: "All before the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting Clubs must return the form issued to them by the Carried two Auditors and a Board of Appeal consisting of League in accordance with this Rule." three persons members of and approved by the Council of the Football Association, whose decision on all matters coming before them shall be final, shall be elected. The Management Committee shall appoint four members to represent the League on the International Football League Board and on the English Football League Board. RULE 6.—Registration forms shall be of two kinds, Amateur and Professional, and each shall have printed upon it such information for the player's guidance as shall apply to his particular status. A bona-fide member of a Club is one who has signed a registration form (such signature to be witnessed by a second person), and has been registered with the League Secretary, and the receipt of such registra- tion form or forms duly received by the Club from the League Secretary, or if desired to register a player at the last possible moment, the form may be sent by registered post, and a telegram, intimat- ing its posting, sent to the Secretary, in which case the form shall be regarded as received at the time the telegram was received at the Preston Post Office. Any Club infringing this rule may have two points deducted from its score, and be liable to a fine not exceeding £25. In the event of a player signing two or more forms for two or more clubs priority of registration shall decide to which Club the player belongs, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the Club last registering such player of his previous registration, and report the same to the Management Committee. A player wilfully signing more than one registration form, or a Club knowingly inducing a player to sign more than one form, shall be liable to be dealt with as the Manage- ment Committee may think fit. Registered players do not require re-registration each season. A registered Amateur player, on turning Professional, must be re-registered with the League on a Pro- fessional Registration Form. Clubs shall furnish the Secretary, on or before May 3rd, with— Proposals by the Management Committee (1) A list of players they wish to retain. (2) A list of players they are open to transfer. RULE 6.—After Clause (2), add: "Lists to be NOTE.—Players not placed on either the Retain made up to April 30th." or Transfer lists are at liberty to sign for any other Club. Christian names of players Carried must be given. I