142 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, March 17th 1915] Present All the Directors except Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. Team v Fern Oldham Thompson Maconnachie Athletic Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Palmer Kirsopp Parker Wright Harrison Team v Mitchell Bolton Simpson Stewart Wanderers Res. Brown Waller Roy Howarth Challinor Nuttall Johnston Roberts Reserve: Page. Director to Bolton - John Fare. The Secretary read a letter from the Northwich Hospital Saturday Committee inviting a team to Northwich to play for the benefit of the Northwich Infirmary but in view of the heavy programme to be completed it was felt impossible to accede to the request. An application from the Post Office for permission to place a bracket on the wall of No. 48 Gwladys Street was submitted but same was declined. The Secretary reported that we were drawn to play