140 It was resolved that Wareing accompany the rest of the players to Blackpool. Team v Fern Blackburn Thompson Maconnachie Rovers Fleetwood Galt Makepeace Chedgzoy Kirsopp Parker Clennell Harrison Reserve - Wareing. Team v Mitchell Blackburn Simpson Weller Rovers Reserve Brown Challinor Grenyer Palmer Nuttall Wright Howarth Roberts Directors to Blackburn - Messrs Clayton, Halsall, Kelly & Wright. Directors to Stockport - Messrs Coffey & Kirkwood. Director on the Gate - Mr. Davies. The Secretary read Dr. Jones' report re Jefferis. The Secretary reported that Kilmarnock were prepared to receive offers for Cunningham - no action. The Secretary was instructed to write Hull City F. C. re Stevens. The Secretary mentioned Chambers the centre forward of North Shields but no action was taken. Transfer of Alexander Kennedy to John G. Taylor. Shares Two partly paid shares Nod. 549/550 One fully paid share No. 2322 Passed