
Nominations	The Secretary reported that Mr. Herbert Halsall
for the		had received seven nominations and that Mr. G. F. T.
Directorate	Nicholls had also been nominated for a seat on the

Everton &	The Secretary reported that the gross receipts herein
Liverpool	were as follows:-
Central League	      1913
games		    Sep. 10:	Liverpool v Everton		 £111: 18:  8
		    Apl. 25	Everton v Liverpool		  287: 12:  2
							       2 £399: 10: 10
				Share to each Club		 £199: 15:  5
				Retained by Liverpool F.C.	 £111: 18:  8
			Balance due L'pool F.C. from Everton F.C.   87: 16: 9
			Also half share of guarantee to
			Rochdale F.C.				    25:  0:  0
								  £112: 16:  9
		and this amount was ordered to be paid to Liverpool F.C.

		The Secretary was instructed to pay the expenses of
		Mr C. Gardiner amounting to £1: 1: 6.

		It was resolved that Mr. C. Leaning be again
		nominated as a League Linesman, that our Chairman
		be again nominated to the Vice Presidency of the
		Liverpool County F.A. and that Mr. Horace Wright
		be again nominated to the executive of the Liverpool
		County F.A.

		The engagement of H. H. Johnson at 7/6 per week and
		to H. Makepeace at £4:10/- per week (altered by
		resolution of the Board to £5 per week) were confirmed.

		Resolved that we support the re-election of Notts Forest
		and Lincoln City F.C. to the Second Division of the League.