129 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park February 16th 1915.] Present All the Directors except Messrs Green & Halsall. Minutes The minutes of the last two meetings were read and confirmed. Harrison & The Chairman reported that in reply to his request Parker for permission to publish the correspondence herein Mr. Clegg had stated that his letters had not been written officially and that he the Chairman had thereupon sent to Mr. Wall copies of the correspondence with a view to same being brought before the Council of the F.A. Gwladys The Chairman having reported his conversation Street with Mr. J. Lewis Jones hereon and that Mr. Jones had agreed to accept a commission of 1%, it was resolved that cheque for £56:18:0 be sent to him. The estimate of J. Lewis for glazing the property at a cost of £8:10:0 was accepted. Halliwell The Secretary having reported his inquiries hereon and that the character of this player was very unsatisfactory, it was resolved that we do nothing in the matter. At this stage of the proceedings Queen's Park Rangers F.C. rang up on the telephone and in reply to the Secretary's suggestion that Soldiers and Sailors should be admitted free, they stated that it was the usual custom to admit them at half price and it