7 that for the future the increases of salary sanctioned by the League Rules from £4 to £4:10/- and to £5 respectively per week should only operate at the commencement of a season. Gwladys The question of purchasing the 24 houses nos. 2/48 Street Gwladys Street was considered in detail and it was resolved that this property be purchased at the following prices:- Nos. 2/12 Gwladys Street £1750 nos. 14/36 £2640, nos. 38/48 £1350 making a £5690 total of £5740 and that Mr. J. Lewis Jones, Estate Agent, of 60 Victoria Street, Liverpool, who had negotiated this matter on the instructions of the Chairman, be instructed by the Chairman to have the necessary Contracts prepared. The Secretary read Mr. Leitch's letter of the 28th ulto on the proposed new Stand in Bullens Road and it was resolved that the consideration of this matter be left over for the present and that a scheme dealing with the East and North sides of the ground be subsequently considered. Galt The Secretary was instructed to proceed to Scotland and endeavour to secure the transfer of Galt on the best terms. Practice It was unanimously resolved that as the Directors were Ground of opinion that the practice ground was of no practical use arrangements be made to dispose of as much thereof as was necessary and that the Directors at their next meeting decide as to the quantity of land to be so disposed of.