
		being instructed meantime to ask Crystal Palace if
		they would meet us on Friday next.

Downs		The Chairman and the Secretary were instructed to
		pursue this matter, the Secretary meantime to
		write asking Barnsley to meet us.

Coffey		The Secretary reported that he had signed this
		Amateur on an L form, a Central League form
		and a League form.

		The Secretary read a letter from Liverpool F.C.
		regretting their omission to consult us prior to
		offering Rochdale £50 to postpone their fixture.

Third team	The Secretary was instructed to advertise in the
		local press for away fixtures for our third team
		during the coming season.

Season		The secretary was instructed to intimate to the
Tickets		public that we were prepared to receive payment
		by instalments for season tickets for the ground,
		1/-, 2/- and 3/- Stands and he was instructed to
		obtain the necessary subscription cards and to
		arrange for the receipt of subscriptions daily and
		every Monday evening from 7 to 9.

Harris &	The question of engagement of these players was
Maconnachie	considered and in this connection the question of
		increased remuneration to those players eligible
		therefor was re-considered and it was resolved that
		Makepeace's engagement be altered from £4:10/- per
		week to £5 per week and that Harris and Maconnachie
		be offered similar terms. It was further resolved