117 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, January 19th 1915] Present All the Directors except Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed as were those of the Finance Committee. Football and The Secretary read a letter from Lord Derby thanking the War us for the postcards from the players and asking permission to publish their names and subject to the approval of the players concerned permission was granted. Mr. J. Lewis Jones This matter was discussed and the Secretary was instructed to await the receipt of the promised scale of fees. Harrison and The Secretary reported having dispatched the Parker statements and letters to accompany herein on Wednesday last but that he had not as yet received any acknowledgement thereof. Oldham The Secretary was instructed to send to Oldham Athletic Athletic letter draft of which was approved. Mr. L. Weale The Secretary reported that he had made inquiries re Kirsopp and could not discover that any representation as to any further payment herein had been made. That he the Secretary did not think that Mr. Weale was now the Secretary of the Wallasey Borough F.C. The Trainer made his report.