114 He submitted his account for services rendered and it was resolved that the same amounting to £40 be paid. The Secretary submitted an account from Mr. J. Lewis Jones for £70 his charge for negotiating the purchase of these properties and it was resolved that the payment thereof be deferred pending inquiries. English Cup The Secretary submitted statement of receipts and Tie expenditure in connection with the Everton and Barnsley Cup Tie which resulted in a victory for Everton by 3 Goals to nothing and which statement showed a sum of £250.14.4 as the share due to Barnsley and £13 for their rail and Hotel expenses and it was resolved that cheque for £263.14.4 be paid to them. The Secretary reported that Barson of Barnsley and Parker and Harrison of our team had been dismissed from the field for misconduct. That he had received from the F.A. a copy of the Referee's report and the same was read. That on Saturday after the match on the instructions of the Directors he had written to the F.A. requesting the appointment of a commission to investigate not only the alleged acts of misconduct but also the manner in which the game was controlled by the Referee. Draft statements by Parker and Harrison were read and after amendment were approved and the Secretary was instructed to make an appointment for Mr. Lythgoe, who witnessed the match and who had volunteered a statement, to meet the Chairman and himself tomorrow morning to consider same. The Secretary further reported that in Parker's case the Barnsley Goalkeeper had exonerated Parker