113 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, January 12th 1915] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last two Meetings were read and confirmed. Football and The Secretary read a letter from Lord Derby the War enclosing a list of persons who had expressed their willingness to enlist and requesting him the Secretary to mark off the names of such of our players thereon in order that instructions might be given to the Recruiting Officers not to call upon them until after the close of the season. That he the Secretary had been able to find the name of H. Makepeace only. That he had had an interview with the players thereon and had pointed out to them the probable outburst of antagonistic feeling to the continuance of football which would result from the intimation in the Press by Lord Derby that only one of our players had sent in a postcard. That as a result of such interview several of the players had asked for and signed postcards and that he the Secretary expected the number to be increased tomorrow. That he had sent a copy of Lord Derby's letter to the Liverpool Club and that it appeared that none of Liverpool's players had returned their postcards. Gwladys The Secretary reported that the purchases of this Street property property had been duly completed and that the deeds thereof were now in our possession.