109 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel December 29th 1914] Present All the Directors except Messrs Coffey & Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. Football and The Secretary reported that he had received a the War message from Lord Derby stating that the Football census had been a failure and that he had arranged to meet the Press tomorrow (Wednesday) at 21 Islington at 12 o'clock and wished to know if we desired to be present. It was thought that owing to the holidays, sufficient time had not been allowed for the return of the postcards and the Secretary was instructed to suggest an adjournment for a few days. Gwladys The Chairman and Mr. Kelly were deputed to Street attend the respective completions herein and cheques for the respective purchase monies were drawn. The League and Central League games were reported. The Trainer made his report. Team v Fern Tottenham Thompson Maconnachie Hotspur Fleetwood Galt Makepeace Chedgzoy Kirsopp Parker Clennell Harrison