105 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park December 22nd 1914] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter, Mr. Green and Mr. Wright. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Football and The Secretary reported that Lord Derby had the War requested the names of those who had expressed their willingness to register but that he had not given same. That 15 players had expressed their willingness Postpone to register. notify press That he had made arrangements for the attendance of Recruiting Officers on Christmas Day and that the Band of the 8th Irish had promised to give selections of music. Bank Overdraft It was reported that the London City & Midland Bank had agreed to give us facilities to overdraw our account to the extent of £10,000 at the rate of interest for the time being but that such rate of interest should not be less than 4½% and that the current rate of interest was 5%. It was resolved that we accept and avail ourselves of the facilities on the terms mentioned. Gwladys The Secretary reported that the completion of Nos. 2/12 Street Gwladys Street had been arranged for the 30th inst. and for the remainder of the properties on the 31st inst. and it was resolved that two Directors attend the respective completions and that the Seal of the