102 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park December 15th 1914] Present All the Directors except Messrs Green, Halsall and Kelly. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Football and The Chairman reported the several conferences the War which the deputations from the Liverpool and Everton F.C.'s had had with Lord Derby and of the last conference held yesterday of which a full report appeared in the Daily Post and is attached hereto. That the Representatives of each Club had offered to pay to those players who were called up during the present season half their wages - this arrangement was confirmed. It being reported that some 13 players from each Club had already signified their willingness to register. The League, Central League and Friendly matches were reported. John Fare reported his visit to Darlington and having heard that Helm was of an undesirable character could not recommend him. The Trainer made his report. The Secretary reported that Grenyer had been to see Dr. Broad and read Dr. Broad's report thereon.