100 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, December 8th 1914] Present All the Directors except Messrs Green & Kelly. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. Helm John Fare reported favourably on this player and he was instructed to see him play at Darlington tomorrow. The Secretary reported that he had arranged for an interview with Lord Derby for tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 11 o'clock. That the Council of the F.A. had decided to continue the F.A. Cup Competition. The Trainers made their reports. The Central League game at Southport was reported. Team v Fern Manchester Thompson Maconnachie City Fleetwood Galt Makepeace Chedgzoy Jefferis Parker Clennell Harrison Team v Bromilow Manchester Simpson Stewart City Reserve Brown Wareing Roy Houston Kirsopp Wright Howarth Palmer