of the League had at their Meeting yesterday resolved
that Football should continue and had notified the
Association of such decision and urged the Football
Association to continue the F. A. Competition as
arranged. He also gave some interesting particulars
as to the financial condition of many of the Clubs
in the English League.
The Chairman also reported his interview with
Mr. J. C. Clegg at Sheffield on Saturday last
during which he communicated to Mr. Clegg
the various points debated at the interview with Lord
Derby before mentioned.
Mr. Kirkwood reported the visit of himself and Mr. Coffey
to Hanley and to Blackpool. That Pearson the
inside forward of Port Vale and Holmes the centre
forward of Crewe whilst being very fair players
were not in the opinion of the deputation any
improvement on our own players in those positions.
The Secretary reported that on Sunday last several
of the stalls on our ground belonging to the City
Caterers Co. Ltd. and Bovril Ltd. had been broken
into and Bovril Chocolate, Cigarettes, etc. to the
estimated value of £7 had been stolen.
The next meeting was fixed for Tuesday next
at Goodison Park.
Decr. 8th 1914 W. R. Clayton