91 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park November 17th 1914] Present All the Directors except Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed. Weller The Secretary reported that L. C. Weller had undergone an operation for the removal of a loose cartilage in the David Lewis Northern Hospital and that he was progressing very satisfactorily. Beare & Letter from Cardiff & Arsenal F.C. were Bradshaw read expressing inability to pay the respective transfer fees herein & the Secretary was instructed to press for a payment on a/c. The players having been summoned to attend the meeting the Chairman warned them that the growing habit of gambling on cards, horses and coupons amongst certain of the players must at once cease, otherwise drastic measures for its suppression would have to be taken. The players were also urged to pay greater attention to military drill. It was reported that the loan of rifles reported at the last meeting had been obtained largely owing to the good offices of Mr. E. A Morton.