
			Edgar Flenley to Thomas Barr Junr.
			 Three part paid share Nod. 914 to 916
			John Alfred Lee to Edward Bennett Brierley
			 Three partly paid shares Nod. 2032 to 2034

New Players
Colclough	Crystal Palace having asked £1250 for this
		player it was resolved that we do nothing in the

Travis		Settle having reported favourably on this player
		the Secretary was instructed to pay his expenses 5/-
		and to send John Fare to Newcastle on Saturday
		next to report on his play.

Houston &	The Secretary reported his visit to Glasgow,
Bowie		that the Rangers F. C. intimated that there was no
		hope of Bowie coming to England but that if he
		changed his mind they would communicate with

Robson		John Fare reported his visit to Blackpool and
		could not recommended Robson – he however
		reported favourably upon Downs, Barson right
		half back and Halliwell centre forward of Barnsley
		and the Secretary was instructed to make inquiries
		from McFadyen re the last mentioned player.

		Mr. Kirkwood reported that Walson centre forward
		of Atherton F.C. was favourably commented upon and
		the Secretary was instructed to mention the matter
		at the next Meeting.

Novr. 17th 1914						W. R. Clayton