88 and Ten pounds to the North Walton Branch of the Lord Mayor’s Fund. That Liverpool and ourselves had received from the Rector of St. Francis Xavier’s College the loan of 70 Rifles for training purposes and his action in sending two complimentary season tickets as an acknowledgement thereof was confirmed. That the gross receipts in our match v Northern Nomads on September 19th were £8:10:8 and a cheque for their share thereof (£2:16:10) was ordered to be sent to them. That he had received cheque for £12:7:7 from the Liverpool County F.A. being one fifth share of the net receipts of the two semi final ties of the Liverpool County Cup. That the League had required an explanation as to the commencement of our game v. Manchester United prior to the advertised time of commencement and that he had written explaining the circumstances. That Grangetown Athletic F.C. had written asking for a further donation in respect of the engagement of R. Simpson – he was instructed to reply that we could do nothing at present. The Trainer made his report. The League and Central League games were reported and in each case it was resolved to report the inefficiency of the Referee.