87 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park November 10th 1914.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Weller The Secretary reported that Dr. Baxter was satisfied that Weller was suffering from a loose cartilage and that as Weller had expressed his willingness to undergo an operation the same had been arranged for. Beare & That he had not received any replies from Bradshaw Cardiff City or Arsenal re the payment of transfer fees. That as Tranmere Rovers were down to play their replayed English Cup Tie on Thursday the Final Tie of the Liverpool County Cup was deferred to the 25th inst. That it had come to his knowledge that excessive gambling on horse racing and cards was becoming very prevalent amongst some of our players and that coupon gambling also existed. It was resolved that the players be summoned to meet the Directors on Tuesday next at 7 p.m. That the collections in aid of the War Fund up to and inclusive of November 7th amounted to £46:6:7. It was resolved that a cheque for £36:6:7 be forwarded to the Lord Mayor’s Fund