
		A letter was read from Mr. Cowley re Morgan
		(Bargoed) that this player was only very moderate
		and it was resolved that we take no action and
		that Mr. Cowley’s expenses (5/-) be paid.

Hathaway	He spoke favourably of Hathaway the Ton Pentre
		right half back.

Weller		Dr. Baxter reported that in Dr. Broad's opinion
		Weller's trouble was a loose cartilage and that
		he should be operated upon.
		The Secretary reported that Weller was willing
		to undergo the operation and it was resolved that
		Dr. Broad be instructed to perform the operation
		at an inclusive fee of Twenty six guineas.

Financial	The Chairman reported the Meeting of the Clubs
Assistance	on Friday last and that the scheme which is set
Scheme		out in detail opposite was unanimously passed
		and that included amongst the players were the
		Trainers and general Staff.
		The Secretary reported that at a meeting of the
		Managers and Secretaries it was unanimously
		resolved that they consent to a deduction from
		their salaries on a scale equal to that of the

		The League and Central League games were reported.

Team v 				Fern
Blackburn		Simpson		Maconnachie
Rovers		  Fleetwood	Galt		Makepeace
		Chedgzoy  Jefferis  Parker  Clennell	Palmer