


		1. Each Club shall deduct from the wages of the players receiving £2 per week and
			upwards the percentage set forth in the portion of the Scheme approved on
			9th October, 1914.
		2. Immediately the deduction is made a cheque for the amount of such deduction
			shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the League, which shall be placed to the
			credit of the Football League Relief Fund, "Players' Wages Account."
		3. Each Club shall immediately after each home match forward to the Secretary of
			the Football League a cheque for 2½% of the gross gate at each such match,
			which shall be placed to the credit of the Football League Relief Fund, "Clubs'
		4. The whole Fund shall be available for the purpose of assisting necessitous Clubs.
		5. Clubs in need of assistance must forward an application in writing to the Secretary,
			setting forth—
				(a) The Club's financial position at the end of last season.
				(b) A summary of subsequent receipts and payments.
				(c) The present financial position of the Club.
				(d) The present weekly wage bill.
				(e) A return of other estimated expenses.
				(f) Amount required, and the purpose for which it is required.
			In case of application for a second or subsequent grant, a supplementary balance
			sheet to date must be forwarded with such application.
		6. The Committee shall be supplied, with any other information they may require
			not provided for in Clause 5, and shall have the right to verify any returns
			sent in.
		7. The Fund shall be distributed by the Management Committee or such Special
			Committee as may be appointed for that purpose.
		8. The Committee shall have power to treat any payment or advance from the Fund
			made to any Club for purposes other than the "payment of wages" and "other
			expenses necessary and incidental to the working of the Club for the remainder of
			the season" as a debt, and provide for its repayment by the Club to the Fund.
		9. In sanctioning the transfer of a player by a Club receiving assistance from the
			Fund, the Committee must be informed—
				(1) The amount of the transfer fee.
				(2) The purposes to which the amount received will be applied.
		10. The Committee, in sanctioning such transfer, may order the payment of any portion
			of the fee to the Fund, or may stipulate that any portion shall be used for the
			ordinary working of the Club.
		11. All payments shall be made by cheque, signed in accordance with the practice of
			the Football League, and the Secretary shall keep all necessary accounts.
		12. Receipts must be obtained for all sums paid, and the accounts audited at the end
			of the season by Auditors duly appointed by the Management Committee.
		13. Any balance to the credit of the "Players' Wages Account" shall be refunded to
			the players pro rata to the amount subscribed.
		14. Any balance to the credit of the "Clubs' Account" shall be disposed of as Clubs
			at the next Annual General Meeting of the Football League shall decide.
		15. The Management Committee shall have power to review this scheme and the one
			adopted on 9th October, 1914, by reducing the percentages payable by Clubs
			and players, or may suspend such payment for such period as may be found
			reasonably possible, or if practicable may discontinue the payments of percentages
			referred to.