44 12 was confirmed. The payment of Dix's a/c of 20/- for a Billiard table cover was passed & the Secretary instructed to ask Ashcroft's to supply a wooden cover for the Board room Billiard table. King's Visit The Secretary reported that The Earl of Derby proposed an interview with the Chairman & himself to discuss the preliminary details in connection with the proposed visit of their Majesties visit to Goodison Park on the 11th July. Betting on The Secretary read letter of the 24th inst. from Football Mr. F. J. Wall hereon & reported that A. Browell denied any connection with betting on Football & was preparing a statement to that effect for submission to the F.A. The Secretary was directed to express the Board's resentment of the implication contained in Mr. Wall's letter that one of their members had knowledge that the practice of betting was indulged in by some of our players and to request a more definite statement. Settle The Secretary was instructed to pay Settle's expenses 39/- & to discontinue the use of his services. School boys The use of our ground was granted for a Match Schoolboys match on March 15 the