33 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park February 11th 1913] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Coffey. Minutes The minutes of the last two meetings were read & confirmed. Houston The engagement of John Houston at £4 per week with £10 Bonus and a fee of £500 with the repayment of all wages paid by Linfield F.C. to Houston during Season 1912/13 was confirmed. Parker The engagement of W. B. Parker at 45/- per week was confirmed. Cup tie The Secretary reported that on next Cup tie opponents were Bristol Rovers at Bristol & he was instructed to visit Bristol & make arrangements for our visit on the 21st inst. The Secretary having read Brighton's letter as to the preferential treatment accorded to their season ticket holders at our match with them, the Secretary was instructed to insist upon the recognition by them of the soundness of our contention that such action was unjustified and wrong in principle. Stevens The Secretary was instructed to do what