23 v Stalybridge Hodge Celtic Page Holbem Makepeace Fleetwood Simpson Smith Brannick Simms Johnston Stevens Training for The Secretary reported that Brighton had Cup tie decided to have the tie played at Brighton. Resolved that there be no special training. That the team travel to London on Friday Jany. 31 staying at Endsleigh Palace Hotel journeying to & from Brighton on the Saturday returning from London on Saturday Sunday. That the Secretary visit Brighton this week end & make all gate &c arrangements. Resolved that representation be made to L'pool F.C. that the Central League game between us being due at Goodison Park it be played here on Febry. 1. A proposal to give Maconnachie & Stevenson their benefit on March 22 was ordered for the agenda for next meeting. An application for the use of our ground on July 11th for Children's Festival on the occasion of the Royal Visit as per letter from the L'pool & District Teachers Assocn. Sports Committee of the 20th inst. was granted provided no exceptional expense was demanded from us.