16 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, December 30th 1912.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting and of the Adjourned Meeting were read and confirmed. Reports Mr. Fare reported on the Central League match with Barnsley. Team v Caldwell Tottenham Hotspur Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Wareing Grenyer Beare Jefferis Fleetwood Bradshaw Uren v Blackburn Bromilow Rovers Page Holbem Parker Browell Simpson Smith Gourlay Simms Wright Davidson Director on Gate Jan. 1st & 4th Mr. Clayton to Blackburn Jan. 1st Mr. Fare to Nottingham Messrs Whitford, Wade & Allman Browell Browell appeared before the Directors and expressed his regret at his past conduct with a promise to conduct himself in a proper manner in future; his suspension was thereupon removed. Browell was instructed to go to Blackpool to join the other players for special training. William Whitford