9 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park December 17th 1912.] Present All the Directors except Messrs Baxter & Clayton. Minutes The minutes of the last two meetings were read & confirmed. Simms The engagement of S. Simms at 50/- per week with a Bonus of £2 and a fee to Atherton of £40 & a match at Atherton in March or April was confirmed. Smith No reply had been received from the Edinburgh Hibs re our offer to Exchange Gourlay for Smith. Wright The Secretary mentioned that Sheffield United had offered £1500 for Wright without success. Parker The Secretary reported that as Parker would not be out of his apprenticeship until January 29 he would defer becoming a professional until that date when he would accept an engagement with us at 45/- per week confirmed. Browell The Secretary read letter from R. Browell re the suspension of his brother Tom and he was instructed to reply that if the writer would call when in